Monday 1 February 2010

Welcome Sunshine

It's so bright and sunny here I should really be doing some stuff on my terrace but it's soooooo cold I decided against it. The most I could manage was a 5 minute stint just to see what's happening and take a couple of pictures.

With the albeit light but unexpected snow on Friday night, plus the heavy frosts, my over-wintering onions are looking decidedly flat however, my pansies have perked up!

Better still, there is real hope of spring on its way with the daffodils showing good signs of strong growth. A little bit of an experiment this year as I re-potted all of the bulbs last October but have tried an old method of planting more bulbs in each pot but at different depths. The aim is to get a container to hold more plants.

I planted some around 12.5cm/5-inches deep - covered them with a good layer of compost, then put more bulbs on top (about 7.5cm/3-inches deep). Not only do you get more plants per container but, with a bit of luck, the ones which were planted deeper will come up just that little bit later so extending the flowering period. Great idea.....if it works.
Yes I know the pot needs weeding but truly, it was so chilly out there it was as much as I could do to take the picture.

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